

You have an app that could be made awesome by live data. Maybe you want to let users collaborate, chat or somehow interact with each other without refreshing the page. Maybe you want to push updates from some other system or service to the page in realtime. Maybe you need to create a backend API or job system capable of pushing lots of updates.

This is an area where our team really shines. We were building realtime web apps and job systems long before WebSockets existed.

We've built all kinds of realtime systems and applications. Everything from live asset tracking on a map, to custom multi-user chat dashboards for support persons, to our team communcation and collaboration app: ThatsApp.

Ready to add realtime to your product? Let us know how we can help or read about how we work.

But besides the pies...

Here’s what we can do for you.

Kickstarts & prototypes

Advise on your hard problems

Augment your team

Beacon Mobile Solutions

Add realtime to your app


WebRTC & Web Video/Audio

Payment Solutions

Node.js & single-page apps