

If it's time to level up your team's skills, we can help you get the most out of some in-depth time with our experts in a training plan tailored for your needs.

We'll assess the current level of your team (as well as your codebase) and provide you with a custom on-site education package addressing each area of identified need.

Several members of our team are regularly found speaking at developer conferences internationally, and in addition to our periodic educational blog posts, we've shared a great deal of our approach to modern web development in Henrik Joreteg's book, Human JavaScript.

Ready to create a custom training plan for your team? Let us know how we can help or read about how we work.

Kickstarts & prototypes

Advise on your hard problems

Augment your team


Add realtime to your app


WebRTC & Web Video/Audio

XMPP in the browser

Node.js & single-page apps